Phoenix House Orange County

Credit: Building

Credit: Phoenix House Orange County


Street Address:
1207 E. Fruit Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92701
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Phone: (714) 953-9373


Please visit Phoenix House Orange County's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

This clinic offers a broad spectrum of services to help clients break the cycle of substance abuse. The residential and outpatient programs include an intensive regimen of therapy groups and individual counseling sessions. They also help clients achieve and sustain recovery through assessments and treatment planning; case management and referrals to a network of social services; life skills development and preparation for independent living; vocational and job readiness services; housing assistance and sober living programs; evidence-based and trauma-informed practices; mental health support; parenting classes; literacy improvement; anger management; physical fitness activities; and health education.

This clinic takes most major insurance plans and all major credits cards are accepted.


Building Phoenix House California IG
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