Frazier Park Behavioral Health Center

Frazier Park Behavioral Health Center

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Credit: Frazier Park Behavioral Health Center


Street Address:
3717 Mt Pinos Way
Frazier Park, CA - 93225
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Phone: (661) 245-0250


Please visit Frazier Park Behavioral Health Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Clinica Sierra Vista has locations throughout Kern and Fresno Counties which provide care across the full continuum of behavioral health, for both adults and children.

Clinica operates several specialty Behavioral Health Centers in each county, where the focus is on specialized behavioral health care, including therapy, case management, and psychiatry services. In addition, several community health centers throughout both counties are staffed with integrated social work to provide light therapy and other social work services to our patients.

In both counties, their specialty behavioral health centers offer specific teams for children (ages 3-18) and adults (ages 18+) with mental/behavioral health and/or substance use problems.

All services are provided in the client’s preferred language.


screenshot Mercy & Memorial Hospitals IG Frazier Park Behavioral Health Center
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