West Fresno Community Health Center, Behavioral Health & Dental
Credit: West Fresno Community Health Center, Behavioral Health & Dental
Street Address:302 Fresno St.
Fresno, CA - 93706
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Phone: (559) 457-5700
Website: www.clinicasierravista.org
Please visit West Fresno Community Health Center, Behavioral Health & Dental's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Services offered include:
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)Behavioral Health ServicesHIV/AIDSClinical Support ProgramsHomeless Healthcare / Mobile Health ServicesAdolescent Family ServicesHealth Insurance Assistance Program (HIAP)Dental ServicesThe mission of Clinica Sierra Vista is to provide high quality and comprehensive primary and preventative health care services at the most efficient cost to the underserved populations.
This clinic provides services regardless of ability to pay, and to seek necessary resources to meet the growing health care demands while maintaining the corporation's financial integrity. They strongly believe in everyone's right to quality health care; so no one is denied services based on race, religion, ethnicity, sex, age, disability or economic status.
West Fresno Children's Behavioral Health Center - Suite 105
West Fresno Adult Behavioral Health Center - Suite 107
West Fresno Dental - Suite 204
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