LifeLong West Berkeley Health Center

LifeLong West Berkeley Health Center

Credit: LifeLong FMRP IG

Credit: LifeLong West Berkeley Health Center


Street Address:
837 Addison St.
Berkeley, CA - 94710
Open Google Maps
Phone: (510) 981-4100


Please visit LifeLong West Berkeley Health Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Services at this location include:

  • Primary Health Care for Adults & Children
  • Women's Health Services, including pre- and post-natal care
  • Chronic Disease Screening and Management
  • Referrals to Specialists
  • Mental Health Services
  • Health Education
  • Social Services Resources
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Chiropractic
  • Strain-Counterstrain Technique
  • Veggie Giveaways
  • Stress Reduction Class
  • Yoga Classes
  • Zumba Classes
  • Cooking Matters classes
  • Sign up/info sessions for food stamps
  • Smoking cessation groups

If you are not insured, LifeLong offers uninsured programs and a sliding scale payment option, based upon family size, and income.

  • Counties served:  Alameda


LifeLong FMRP IG LifeLong West Berkeley Health Center
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