Alliance Medical Center
Credit: Alliance Medical Center
Street Address:1381 University St.
Healdsburg, CA - 95448
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Phone: (707) 433-5494
Please visit Alliance Medical Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Community Health Center serving Northern Sonoma County
Alliance Medical Center is the safety net for community healthcare. More than half of our patients receive government assistance with their healthcare costs. Without us, the only access to healthcare for thousands of families would be the emergency room at the local hospital, a costly alternative for both the family and the community.
No Health Insurance?
We can help you determine if you, your family or your employees qualify for benefits. Call 707-433-5494 extension 412 today!
- Adolescent care
- Birth control
- Cancer Screening
- Children's health
- Chronic condition care
- Depression treatment
- Diabetes care
- Drug and alcohol referrals
- Eye exams
- Family medical care
- Family planning
- HIV testing and counseling
- Immigration exams
- Lab referrals
- Libido issues
- Menopause management
- Menstrual problem evaluation and treatment
- Mental health counseling
- Pain management
- Perimenopause management
- Physical exams
- Pregnancy testing
- Prenatal care
- Referral to Specialists
- School sports exams
- Shared Medical Visits (group Visits)
- STD treatment
- Well Adult Exams
- Well Child Exams
- Children's dentistry
- Dental hygiene education
- Digital X-rays
- Emergency care
- Endodontics
- General dentistry
- Oral surgery
- Periodontics
- Preventive care
- Referral services
- Restorations
Community Outreach
- Health Educator
- My Body is Healthy
Behavioral Health
Hours of operation:
Monday to Thursday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Questions & Answers
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- Is this facility really free? (0 Responses)