Broward House
Credit: Broward House
Street Address:2800 N Andrews Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL - 33311
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Phone: (954) 568-7373
Please visit Broward House's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Eligibility: All income levels accepted
Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid
Fees: Free or low cost
Languages spoken: English
Services: Substance Abuse/Addiction, Social Services, Counseling/Mental Health, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Family Planning, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Adults, Transportation, HIV/AIDS/STD Counseling, Hepatitis C Testing
Hours: Call for hours
Areas served: Fort Lauderdale area
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