Lukes House A Clinic For Hea
Credit: Lukes House A Clinic For Hea
Street Address:2222 Simon Bolivar Avenue
New Orleans, LA - 70113
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Phone: (504) 444-7879
Please visit Lukes House A Clinic For Hea's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Lukes House is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization addressing the health and spiritual needs of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Affiliated with the United Methodist Church, Lukes House works closely with church leaders and congregations from across the country to bring healing and compassion to the undeserved community of New Orleans.
Good Shepherd Home provide hope, help, and healing in response to the medical, mental, and spiritual health concerns of the post-Katrina New Orleans community.
Services Provided:
Medical Health Care
Prescription Assistance
Health Education
Women’s Clinic
Vision Clinic
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