Neighborhood Health Center
Credit: Neighborhood Health Center
Street Address:510 North St.
Pittsfield, MA - 01201
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Phone: (413) 447-2351
Please visit Neighborhood Health Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
This clinic offers sliding scale fee schedule for eligible patients, this is not a Free Clinic.
CHP provides high quality health care for infants, children, adults and elders who reside in Berkshire County, MA.
CHP serves all income levels and accepts MassHealth, Medicare together with more than 100 private insurance plans.
No one is denied health care because of an inability to pay.
CHP does require everyone who wants financial assistance to apply for all state and federal programs for which they are eligible and pay some amount - however small - that they can afford.
Routine annual physicals
Evaluation and treatment
Ongoing care for medical problems
Comprehensive care for chronic conditions
Referrals for specialty care and mental health care
Same day sick visits
After-hours coverage by a local physician
Gynecological care/family planning
Nutrition and wellness counseling
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