Health Care For The Homeless - 421 Fallsway
Credit: Health Care For The Homeless - 421 Fallsway
Street Address:421 Fallsway
Baltimore, MD - 21202
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Phone: 410-837-5533
Opening Hours
Health Care For The Homeless - 421 Fallsway hours of operationDescription
Please visit Health Care For The Homeless - 421 Fallsway's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
A day clinic that provides health-related services, education and advocacy to reduce the incidence of homelessness in Maryland.
1) PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: For chronic health conditions. May also give referrals for specialty cases.
2) HIV SERVICES: Testing, counseling and treatment available.
3) MENTAL HEALTH CARE: Psychiatric evaluations.
4) SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES: Offers assessment, referrals, and individual and group counseling. Also offers buprenorphine.
5) CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Includes assistance in finding housing.
6) OUTREACH: Provides outreach to shelters, soup kitchens and the streets.
7) INFORMATION & REFERRAL: Referrals are made for emergency or specialty care to hospitals or other appropriate providers. Referrals are made to UMD Dental School clinic for dental care. Homeless children are referred to Mercy Family Health Care Program.
8) CONNECT PROJECT: Intensive case management for HIV+ clients with one secondary illness.
9) CONVALESCENT CARE PROGRAM: Provides temporary shelter placement for those released from prisons or hospitals who are too ill to find shelter or to be accepted to a regular shelter. 1-800-645-8730. This is a pager number.
10) DENTAL: Can provide free of charge dental care to homeless individuals who are receiving services from Healthcare for the Homeless. Children are accepted.
11) PRISON OUTREACH: Case managers go to Maryland correctional institutions to refer inmates to Health Care for the Homeless, and other needed care.
FREDERICK & MONTGOMERY COUNTIES: Although service is not limited to persons residing within any specific geographical area, it may be more convenient for persons in Frederick County to visit the Frederick Community Action Agency, 301-694-1506, and persons in Montgomery County to go to the Community Clinic, Inc., 301-340-9666 or Mobile Medical Care, Inc. 301-460-3535. These locations are affiliated with Health Care For The Homeless and provide free health care services.
Hours Of Operation Sat, 8:30AM-Noon (Women only), 1-5PM.
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