Open Gates Health Center
Credit: Open Gates Health Center
Street Address:1111 Washington Blvd.
Baltimore, MD - 21230
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Phone: 410-467-6040
Please visit Open Gates Health Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Since 1970, People’s Community Health Centers has provided quality comprehensive medical services in Baltimore, regardless of patients’ income or insurance status. Today we operate eight People’s centers around Baltimore City and Anne Arundel County, and we continue to grow. We employ the nation’s best community health professionals to provide full-service, primary medical care, as well as dental care, substance abuse treatment and mental health care to all who need it.
Adult Medicine
Center for Emotional & Social Health (CESH)
Dental Care
Infectious Disease Services (HEP C, HIV & AIDS)
Substance Use Treatment Services
Immediate Care Center (ICC)
Women’s Health
Men’s Health
Support Services
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