Northwest Buffalo Community Health Center

Northwest Buffalo Community Health Center

Credit: Google

Credit: Northwest Buffalo Community Health Center


Street Address:
155 Lawn Ave.
Buffalo, NY - 14207
Open Google Maps
Phone: 716-875-2904


Please visit Northwest Buffalo Community Health Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Women\'s Health NHC is committed to meeting the health needs of women during their reproductive years and beyond. The OB/GYN staff provides extensive health education and counseling including: Gynecologic Services such as annual examinations and Pap smears, consultations and second opinions, hormone replacement therapy, colposcopies and biopsies and sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment; Obstetric Services such as complete evaluations, in-house ultrasound examinations, comprehensive prenatal education, nutritional counseling and individual case management; and Family Planning such as oral and injectable contraceptives, free pregnancy testing to the uninsured, HIV counseling and testing, tubal ligations and natural family planning and barrier methods. Women's health is available at all three locations.
Adult Medicine
The overall goal of NHC's Internal Medicine Department is to promote preventive care, decrease morbidity from chronic illness (such as hypertension and diabetes), provides ongoing screening for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, cancer, tuberculosis and other chronic illness. Traditional medical services are augmented with specialty referrals.

Wellness is a regular feature and includes diet, at-home safety, medical management, over-50 care and so on. Adult medicine is available at the Northwest and Mattina locations.


Our Pediatric Department guides families through well-child care from newborns through adolescence. The Health Center coordinates referrals to specialists when necessary. Well-child care is emphasized. The Health Center provides immunizations, and participates in the NYS DOH Immunization Program. In addition, primary care providers monitor pediatric growth, development, safety and offer health education to both children and families.

The health maintenance team includes pediatricians and a pediatric nurse practitioner. Pediatric clinicians all emphasize healthy eating to encourage overall wellness and to prevent childhood obesity. Young children are oriented to health care and the need to prevent illness and stay well. Pediatrics is available at the Northwest and Mattina locations.

Family Medicine
The Family Medicine Department at NHC sees children, adults and women's health all by the same doctors and nurse practitioners. The Family Medicine providers use the same care standards as Pediatricians, Internal Medicine and OB/GYN providers at NHC to allow patients consistent care. Family Medicine focuses on care of the entire family and is available at the Northwest and Mattina locations.


The Dental Department at NHC offers complete dental services including examinations, cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, fillings, dentures (complete or partial), crowns, root canals, minor oral surgery, limited gum treatments and oral cancer screenings. The focus is on prevention.

The Health Center conducts special programs for children starting at age 1. Regular examinations and cleanings are encouraged. Emergency care is provided through Buffalo General Hospital and Erie County Medical Center. Dentistry is available at the Northwest and Mattina locations.

Behavioral Health
NHC's Behavioral Health services include an on-site social worker for brief short-term counseling services and mental health referrals. Our Behavioral Health staff also consists of on-site Community Health Workers to assist our patients in accessing Health and Human Services in the WNY area. Behavioral health is available at Northwest and Mattina sites.


Starting August 2012, NHC has on-site professional foot care available for chronic or acute problems of the foot or ankle at Northwest and Mattina locations.

Hours of operation:
8 am - 8 pm

8 am - 4:30 pm

8 am - 8 pm

Thursday - Friday
8 am - 4:30 pm


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