Keystone Behavioral Health
Credit: Keystone Behavioral Health
Street Address:110 Chambers Hill Drive
Chambersburg, PA - 17201
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Phone: 717-709-7930
Please visit Keystone Behavioral Health's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Keystone\'s Behavioral Health Program Offers
Individual and family counseling with licensed therapists
Psychiatric evaluations for children and adults
Medication management with psychiatrists
24-hour crisis intervention services (located in an office in the Chambersburg Hospital's Emergency Department)
Services are available to everyone. We participate with most insurances
and accept Medical Assistance and Medicare. We have a sliding fee scale
for those who qualify, and we will work with patients to set up a
payment plan if necessary. Your payment is due at the time of service
unless other arrangements have been made.
Agricultural Worker Program
340B Discount Drug Program
Childbirth Education Classes
Keystone Health Crisis Intervention Program
Community Resources
Sliding Fee Discount Program
The Keystone Breastfeeding Center
Keystone Pediatrics at CASHS
Patient Financial Services and Outreach Enrollment
Keystone STD Services
Keystone Family Planning
HIV Program
Keystone Center for Interventional Psychiatry
TMS Therapy for Depression
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