Northeastern Mental Health - Dr. Giridhar's office

Northeastern Mental Health - Dr. Giridhar's office

Credit: Avera Health IG

Credit: Northeastern Mental Health - Dr. Giridhar's office


Street Address:
628 Circle Drive
Aberdeen, SD - 57401
Open Google Maps
Phone: (605) 225-3749


Please visit Northeastern Mental Health - Dr. Giridhar's office's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

This Health Center is based on sliding scale fees that are variable prices for products, services or taxes based on a customer's ability to pay. These costs are thus reduced for those who have lower incomes or, failing that, less money to spend after their personal expenses, whatever their income.


  • Counties served:  Brown


Avera Health IG Northeastern Mental Health - Dr. Giridhar's office
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