Family Medicine Associates
Credit: Family Medicine Associates
Street Address:156 Wall St.
Springfield, VT - 05156
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Phone: 802-885-1166
Please visit Family Medicine Associates's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Scheduled Office Visits
Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday, 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Their office services include: all primary and preventive care, including obstetrics and outpatient mental health. Lab, x-ray services, and referrals to specialists and dentists can be carefully coordinated to provide you high-quality, comprehensive care that meets your personal needs. Their goal is to fulfill your health care needs to the best of our abilities and to remain committed to the philosophy our patients come first.
This clinic provides care to you, regardless of ability to pay by offering a sliding fee discount upon approval.
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